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Wet weather prompts last minute holiday bookings: How to bag a bargain

Wet weather prompts last minute holiday bookings: How to bag a bargain
Matt Browning
Written By:
Matt Browning

As millions plan to escape the grey skies of the UK by booking a late summer holiday abroad, here's how to bag a bargain and avoid getting scammed along the way.

A fifth (19%) of the respondents surveyed by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) said they are hoping to dodge the rainy weather of the UK with a trip away.

Further, more than a quarter (27%) said they were tempted to take a last-minute flight if they could find somewhere hot and sunny that wouldn’t break the bank.

The forecast from the Met Office predicts a period of “sunny spells and showers” during August, with “wetter, cloudier conditions at times”.

So, it is hardly surprising Brits want to pack their suitcase and head to sunnier climes of popular resorts in Costa del Sol and the Greek islands.

Indeed, the intention to chase the sun is backed up in the quarterly Travel Trends survey by PwC. Around one in seven (15%) of its customers prioritise going on holiday, while 10% will go to the lengths of cutting back in other spending departments so they can afford the trip.

A quarter also said they were waiting for a potential bargain before they secured their getaway. Many are also embracing AI to find their ideal destination, with some two-fifths of travellers planning to use the technology when choosing where to land.

But, as the number of Brits booking a holiday rises later in the summer, families have been urged to stay alert as the number of holiday scams has tripled since 2023.

‘Significant proportion might book a late deal’

Graeme Buck, ABTA’s director of communications, said: “While many people will already have a summer holiday to look forward to, our data suggests that a significant proportion might book a late deal – particularly if the UK’s washout summer continues and they can find a well-priced break delivering some much-needed vitamin D!

“Whether looking for a quick weekend away or a couple of weeks in the sun, we’d encourage anyone who is thinking of booking a last-minute holiday this summer to speak to their local ABTA travel agent or tour operator. They can let them know which destinations still have good availability over the summer and help them find the best break for their budget.”

Here are four tips for you to consider when booking your late summer break, courtesy of ABTA.

Four tips for booking a late summer holiday

1. Be as flexible as possible. Flexibility is key when it comes to getting the best late deal, whether that’s choosing to depart mid-week rather than over the weekend, at a less popular time of day, or from a less in-demand departure point.

2. Be open to new destinations. Having an open mind about where you could go on your next break will help you to secure the best late deal and could offer a new or unique experience. A different resort, region or country to the one you had in mind may deliver the style of trip you’re looking for.

3. Book with an ABTA travel agent or tour operator. Travel agents and tour operators have a huge range of holidays at their fingertips – including ones that can’t be booked independently. So they should be your first port of call if you are looking to get a late break, as they are adept at finding you the best break available.

4. Book a package holiday. Booking a package holiday is often cheaper than booking all the elements of your trip separately, as travel companies have access to discounts that are then passed on to you. It also takes the stress out of holiday planning – someone else does all of the hard work for you, and it provides the best form of protection for your travel plans, as your holiday will be protected under the Package Travel Regulations.